My writings - and those of others.

Honoring the Four Directions

On this National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada, there is no better way to spend it than to watch this video:

It is especially worth seeing while remembering Ginny Doctor, the Executive Producer who also appears in the film. She died recently. May she rest in peace. To know and understand the Doctrine of Discovery and its impact on all our lives is necessary and she could not have left us a better legacy for reflection and action.

A prayer for people of all faiths - or no faith:

Come Great Spirit, as we gather in your name.

We face East:

  • To your symbol colour Red, the hue of revelation;

  • To your animal symbol the Eagle, strong and nurturing;

  • To your lessons calling us to the balance of your Spirit in Harmony with brothers and sisters;

  • To invoke your wisdom and grace, the goodness of the ages, We pray: COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME.

    We turn to face South:

  • To your symbol colour Gold for the morning star.

  • To your symbol Brother Sun that enlightens our intellect and brings light on our path to live responsibly;

  • To your lessons calling us to balance of Mind in the Spirit of humility;

  • To invoke your spirit of illumination and far sighted vision;

  • Help us to love you and one another with our whole heart, our whole mind, and our whole soul, We pray: COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME.

    We turn to face West:

  • To your symbol colour Black, still and quiet.

  • To your animal symbol the Thunderbird;

  • To your symbol the Thunder mighty and purposeful;

  • To your lessons calling us to balance our emotions in the spirit of Gentleness and Honesty;

  • To invoke your spirit of introspection, seeing within; Give us your strength and the courage to endure, We pray: COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME.

    We turn to face North:

  • To your symbol colour white of clarity and brightness.

  • To your animal symbol the swan which brings us in touch with Mother Earth and growing things;

  • To your lessons calling us to balance of our Body in the spirit of a good sense of humor;

  • To invoke your spirit of innocence, trust and love; Help us to open our eyes to the sacredness of every living thing, We pray: COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME.

    (Note: There are several interpretations of the colours of the medicine wheel. A Cree adaptation is used here.)

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