In a lighter seasonal vein

covid xmas.jpg

T’was a night during Covid, when all through the state

Statistics were rising, the news was not great.

The face masks were hung by the front door with care,

In hopes that the virus would not soon be there

The ICUs filled up with folks in their beds,

With visions of long-term disruption in heads.

With hand sanitizer, not touching my face,

and nary an option for hugs in this place

Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang to the front door to view all the matter.

Away to the doorstep I flew like a flash,

Opened the front door and hoped for some cash.

The Liberals on breast of the new-fallen snow

Gave promise at mid-day to dollars below,

But what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But the DoorDash attendant with restaurant beer,

And an Instacart messenger dragging a cart

(I knew in a moment my tips had been smart).

More rapid than eagles the groceries came,

And we named all the heroes and villains by name

Yay, Trudeau! yay, Theresa! yay, Deena, yay Rerx

Yay Fauci, Yay Sangay! Boo Anti-Vax Jerks.

Leave stuff on the porch! Six feet from the wall

Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"

As dry throats, that before the new virus comes on

When they meet with a test are immediately gone

So up to the house-top the droplets they flew,

To infect a new household with Covid to rue

But then, in a twinkling, I heard on the air

From CBC, NBC ways to repair!

As I rolled up my sleeve, and was turning around,

Moderna attendant came in with a bound.

She was dressed all in Hazmat, from head to her toes,

With vaccine in hand to attend to my woes.

A bundle of vials she had flung on the table,

To use on my arm quite as quickly as able

My eyes -- how they shut fast! My arm it was bare

To welcome the vaccine, about to go there.

My droll little mouth was drawn up with a wince

Bur heart with more hope than we hadn’t had since

The virus descended in March of this year

As we sheltered in place with a sense of new fear

The virus was scary and full of infection

That senators said there should be no election

Instead, the politicos offered a CERB

Since then, the word “pay back” is now the new verb.

Health officers all became the new stars

And most public transport gave way to our cars.

We baked, we did puzzles, we Netlixed to death

And hoped we’d live through this before our last breath

We watched anti-vaccers with moments of dread

Like POTUS, they thought it was all in the head

He was chubby and plump, a right dangerous elf,

And he did lose the White House because of himself.

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

Soon gave us to live in perpetual dread;

He Twittered a lot, but went naught to his work,

And spouted conspiracies. Then as a jerk,

And laying his finger aside of his nose,

And giving a nod, up to pardons he rose;

He sprang to his plane, to his team gave a wave,

And we hoped he was heading quite soon for a grave.

But we heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,

Leave the Covid to Joe - and he’ll soon get it right!




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