Back to normal or forward to new?

CHRISTIANA FIGUERES AND TOM RIVETT-CARNAC wrote a good article in a recent issue of Fast Company..

These excerpts challenge us.

In just a few short months the health crisis has already provided valuable insights applicable to the climate change crisis. We have learned that global challenges are in fact global, as they stop at no border and spare no geography. We have learned that global challenges require both governmental policy measures and individual behavioral changes and that both can be enacted quickly. We have relearned that it is best to prevent rather than to cure, and to do so with measures based on science rather than fantasy. Finally, we have learned that no one is safe until we are all safe.

We are all in this together, and there is an urgent need for building community and collaborating across governments, corporations, the financial sector, and civil society.

The health crisis is a bitter foretaste of what climate change might bring: massive social breakdown, permanent poverty, and economic devastation for decades to come. Having experienced the social and economic trauma of the health crisis, we should decide not to tempt our fate any further.


What works for one . . . .


There are things you can do!