Another woman to celebrate


A top environmental and climate lawyer, Dianne Saxe brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the community. with more than forty years of experience in environmental law. From 2015-2019 she was the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario until a change of government thought that the stand-alone position was unnecessary and transferred its responsibility to the office of the Auditor General. Legal organizations have presented her with many awards and regard her as one of the world’s 25 best environmental law experts.

At a Massey College environmental conference in November 2020, Saxe and a co-presented focused on the arts and its role in communicating the importance of environmental care. The arts energize and touch the heart in a way that science is not always able to do, she says. Though institutions often are slow to change, museums have taken up the cause of environmental issues. It doesn’t help that fossil fuel industries are among their largest donors. Some of us have been around long enough when the same issue happened with the tobacco companies. She interviewed a number of artists in different fields and also had young activists interview some of their elders like David Suzuki.

Her website, is rich in resources. Her podcasts where she interviews climate heroes doesn’t include herself, but she clearly is one..


Polarization around climate change


Celebrating Women