Another Woman of Note


Katherine Hayhoe turns up frequently when climate science is the topic. She came from Toronto and studied first at the University of Toronto starting with astrophyics but later became interested in climate science. Until recently she was head of climate science at Texas Tech University but has stepped down to become the first head of the Nature Conservancy - the first woman to head that body which is involved in environmental protection in 72 countries.

Hayhoe has a particular gift as an Evangelical in speaking to relgious organizations from that perspective. In a seminar when she appeared in Toronto, she noted that if she could convince her preacher husband, after that anyone else would be easy. Along with other women scientists she has teamed up to start Science Moms, providing basic information for families of young children. As well as its website, it has embarked on a number of public service bulletins to spread the word.

Hayhoe has received several citations for her work on climate: the U.N. Champions of the Earth award in 2019, and climate ambassador by the World Evangelical Alliance. You can also watch her TED talk here and add to the four million views.




Democracy and Climate