A New Year - and a New Decade


The United Nations has declared 2021 as the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration - preventing, halting and reversing the degradation of ecosystems world wide. It will officially launch on World Environment Day, June 5, 2021.

The symbol reminds us of the importance of water, vegetation and soil and the necessity of their restoration if we are to survive as a species. It can help reduce poverty, combat climate change and prevent mass extinction. You can learn more here and become a part of it.

The timing is concurrent with the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development goals as the last change to prevent the devastating results of climate change. With a both-and strategy, it encourages us to make small changes in our own lives and at the same time advocate for changes in policies of governments and corporations, without which large impacts cannot be controlled.

I have always found the latter challenging because of my lack of knowledge. While the calendar part of this site has fallen into disuse during the pandemic, I am returning to list events curated from various sources that cross my desk. There is no shortage of quality information available without charge and the only requirement is to discipline myself to make time for learning. You can find the calendar with regular updates here.




Positives among the negatives